The electronic way of life
Efficiency, quality, proximity
Cirly, manufacturer since 1980
CIRLY is the reference for fast manufacturing of printed circuit boards, either prototypes or small production runs.
A stable and skilful team, a modern and flexible production facility, an optimum product / service offer : with CIRLY, you're certain to get the best in printed circuit boards.
Company data
- Simplified stock company with a registered capital of 285 874 euros
- Company formed in 1980
- Family-owned company
- Site buildings covering 2000m²
- Personnel : 21 employees
- Certified ISO9001, UL approved

- Annual turnover 2020 : 3 750 K€
- Annual turnover 2019 : 3 420 K€
- Annual turnover 2018 : 3 950 K€
- Annual turnover 2017 : 3 650 K€
- Export : 15% of turnover
- We analyse your requirement documents and the PCB ar emanufactured in France
Sectors of activity & references

CIRLY covers a broad range of strategic sectors :
- Industry
- Energy
- Medical
- Defense & telecommunications
- Semi-conductors
- Transport : automotive, rail, aviation
- Major international groups : :
Alstom, Valéo, Legrand, STMicroelectronics, Schneider Electric, ...
- Leading consumer electronics brands:
Logitech, Parrot, Somfy, ... - Institutional research centres:
Our offer

Technology is the engine
- Printed circuit boards, from single units to small production runs
- Single layer, double layers and multilayers.
- Drilling up to 100µm, metallized through holes, blin and burried vias.
- Tracks and isolation up to 80µm
- Rigid and semi-flex circuits
- Lead-free finish, in compliance with RoHS requirements
A culture of service
- Delivery times from 5 days to 24 hours
- A dynamic and friendly team listens to your needs
- Commercial and technical support at close proximity
A few key dates in the development of the company :
- 2013, common sense in action : initiation of an organisational excellence action, based on Lean principles.
- 2011, ambition for the future : a new plant was built and equipped.
- 2010, RoHS compliance : all production 100% lead-free.
- 2007, continuity through the changes : company taken over, within the family.
- 1999, overall testing : integration of electrical testing.
- 1997, complete service online : creation of the site with its customer space.
- 1996, quality and ongoing improvement : initial ISO certification and UL approval.
- 1993, even faster : integration of photoplotting of films.
- 1986, a new challenge : initial multilayer circuit production.
- 1983, going all-digital : first digital control drilling machine.
- 1980, the start of the adventure : CIRLY formed by Mr Fernand Frachon.

We are at your service :
Mrs Christine OCZKOWSKI
International Sales
email :
tel : +33 (0)4 72 71 59 56